

Due to the large volume of parcels, the delivery of orders from Asia may be delayed.



06 June 2024

Esteemed customers,

We want to assure you that we make every possible effort to process and deliver all the parcels as quickly as possible, however, due to the large number of orders originating from Asian e-commerce platforms we are experiencing delays in the delivery process. Also, the high volume of phone calls and the increased number of e-mail messages we receive daily prevent us from responding to all requests in a timely manner.

We inform you that under these conditions, for operational efficiency we have taken some measures that we hope will help us reduce the waiting time for delivery:

  • The number of couriers making deliveries on the territory of the Republic of Moldova has been increased.
  • The number of courier cars on the territory of the Republic of Moldova was increased.
  • We have created temporary pick-up points where recipients can come and pick up their parcels.

Customers who have placed orders and are waiting for their delivery will be informed by the representatives of FAN Courier Moldova through a message in which they will be sent details related to the established delivery point or the estimated time for delivery to the address.

FAN Courier Moldova apologizes for the longer waiting time for delivery and for possible delayed responses to phone calls or e-mail messages.

Please wait for the information message related to the delivery at the address or collection of the parcel from the temporarily installed delivery points.

We note that the waiting time for picking up the package from the office can be very long, so we do not recommend going to the office if you have not been informed in advance that you are waiting for the shipment to be picked up from that point.

It is a temporary situation, and our field teams are working to resolve it as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and trust!

FAN Courier Moldova Team