

Due to the large volume of parcels, the delivery of orders from Asia may be delayed.


Phishing alert

04 June 2024


A new fraud attempt is happening on e-mail. The technique used by the attackers is to spoof the email address from which the message is sent, as well as other identifiers, to mimic the official FAN Courier address. They try to get your attention by attaching files and calling-to-action messages, worded in such a way as to appear urgent.​
To protect yourself, stay alert and remember:​
❗ Always check the sender’s email address and make sure it is correct.​
❗ Carefully follow the links in the body of the message. Hover your mouse cursor over the link WITHOUT CLICKING THE LINK to view the actual page address.​
❗ Check the AWB by accessing, the AWB tracking section, the FAN Courier mobile application or the selfAWB application.
❗ Do not comply with payment requests or provide card information or other confidential personal information.​​
We remind you that:​
⚠️ FAN Courier Moldova never asks for your card information (card number, expiration date, CVC code) or confidential personal information.​
⚠️ FAN Courier Moldova never asks for payment requests via e-mail, SMS or other means of communication.​​
⚠️ FAN Courier Moldova never includes signature requests or urgent messages encouraging an action (link click, file opening) in email communication.​